Welcome to the Dark New Age

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Review: The Kabbalistic Mirror of Genesis or how the Mystery-Saint learned to stop worring and Surf the Flux

The story of Genesis. It's a classic. Drilled into our heads from birth, either in Sunday School or through popular culture: Eve and her "evil" apple never fall far from our Tree. Those of us studying "Gnosticism" and the "Occult" have heard rumors about a differing interpretation to the story, like how maybe the serpent wasn't really the villain and it has nothing to do with woman being the weaker or more depraved sex. How mayhaps that same serpent was trying to enlighten our first couple. ( More on that later)

       When I heard about this book I got really intrigued. I have had the impression for a while that what we are dealing with in the Bible are allegorical lessons about the evolution of human consciousness.

         A non-theistic approach to the creation story in the Bible, which is what the author uncovers for us through a kabbalistic exegesis, is something sorely needed in this day and age in which we see so much strife between people's because of "belief". Muslims, Christians, Jews, even Atheists have reified their beliefs and turned their Gods into something like a war banner to wave above the fray. Something to hide behind and fight for and use to create more seperation between people.

"Concepts are always limited... even concepts of God... the only way out of this is to be immersed in openness without being held to any concept of reality or unreality."

Kind of like Austin Osman Spare's "Need Not Be, Does Not Matter"? Ah, but like William Burroughs said; (and I am paraphrasing) The Shits always have the need to have to be "Right" right? Like if there is a bearded guy up in the clouds kicking ass and taking names, we want to make sure to get in good with him, get on the good list so we can get into that special after hours club with all the virgins and the streets of gold. And I know YOU aren't going to be in that club because I didn't see YOU in MY CHURCH and you don't look or sound like ME and MY FRIENDS.

"Placing faith in division leads to a shattered world."

"When phenomenal space is engaged with a stance of existential combat"... we get a klippoth.

so ...

"Spiritual purification is the stripping away of these concealments" ... or klippoth.

"Klippoth become free as the mind relaxes into spacious love of the Shechinah... a devotion to wholeness beyond  conventional extremes."

Aristotle was wrong, it's not a dead world, we kill it by reifying it and forcing it into the narrow channels of our belief until finally, the Shechinah's flow into our life dries up. After all the Shechinah can only rest in a joyful, open heart. A heart with the "Faith that beauty is in itself sublime"

mystery saint

mystery saint