Welcome to the Dark New Age

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mystery Saint meets the Marassa

Mystery Saint Magical Diary Post 12_7_10

Have had a number of TWIN synchronicities lately which combined with my new passion for maya Deren led me to think I should reach out to the Marassa of the Loa
(I've also seen it spelt Lwa)...

Not that I know anything about Voodoo
(I've also seen it spelt Voudon)

So after the latest twin synchronicity at Yoga in the Runyon Canyon I decided to take all that Namaste energy and send it to the Marassa

I set up a simple altar on a wood table
Old but clean white cotton tablecloth
Appropriate Twin ritual decorations
Offering of food and water

The drumming came easily
The spaces in between beats; the shadow choir
Pape Legba limped in with charming asides

Here is where it started to get weird, I got off my chair from in front of the table/altar and playfully got down prostrate before the altar
No thoughts in my mind and a prickly heat
The veve seemed to draw itself really (and I mean I am not good at drawing)
The motions I took to draw it seemed purposeful and instinctual

I got up and danced backwards twice around the veve
scared myself a little

Here is where it got weird again, dancing, body was writhing happily on the wood floor in front of this veve drawing
once I began to calm, I reached down and took some of the sweat from my body and wiped it across the veve wiping it out and then I wiped some of the stain from the veve on my face

Got up and danced for a while to Exuma, I don't know the name of the track but it
is just drums and percussion instruments
Again I scared myself a little


Thanks for inspiration to the Waters of Return by Louis Martinie
And thanks to Exuma

Thursday, November 4, 2010

the mystery saint and eno in a small craft on a milk sea

Eno the Stranger in a Strange Land-
in a small craft on a milk sea
to bring us new sound paintings to grok in exchange for water. Will you share water? May you never thirst!

Eno's packaging is tasteful as always: moody-sea-scape exterior
hologrammatic-rainbow-strip interior

I scan the composition titles and notice the Taoist "Complex Heaven" and "Lesser Heaven" We here on Earth live in the square world of the Lesser Heaven, we're just a bit off, removed from the circular paradise of Heaven...

Some of the other song titles are sciency, what a nerd Brian Eno is...
"Late Anthropocene"? I want to ROCK, not do HOMEWORK

Eno; The-Long-Mover, The-Windy-Man

The Man from Mars who Moves things with his Mind!

I look at the packaging again

Outside is the Abysmal/Water
Inside is the Clinging/Fire

Each snowflake's individuality shows WATER to be ALIVE and
imprintable by CONSCIOUSNESS

The Clinging/Fire burns inside the cells of water
Burning towards INDIVIDUALITY

spirit consuming matter consuming spirit

passing it back and forth

the hologrammatic universe fornicates at the cellular level constantly
else nothing would be at all

Now for the music

Emeralds and Lime-

Eno the Wise Laughing Boy
I'd like to think he grows each composition like a flower
He's an Audio-Horticulturalist
allowing the cosmos and the chaos and the movements of Heaven
to create his designs and not his clever mind
This track eases in slowly: soothing piano chords, gentle rythmic waves
a dry martini

Complex Heaven-

The Rustic scrape of strings on bone
Grey scratchy guitars and synthesizer-foam

Small Craft on a Milk Sea-

The melody rides precariously on an ominous low undertone
Ask not for whom the TIDE comes

Flint March-

Sharpened knives out
The WIND picks up
The FOG clears and we are in Miles-Davis-PANGEA
Goaded and driven by the rythm of fractalated ghost hands
slapping grey envelope-skins


A Black Beast with Fiery Eyes
I am the only one
can ride that Horse yonder
The ghost drums are back and they brought buzzing-hi-hat BEES in TOW
The BEES swarm over the paths of ULTRA-VIOLET light
I hear some rowdy electric guitars and I am glad
Eno invited the rowdy electric guitars back to the PARTY
Idiot Energy

2 Forms of Anger-

The drums have been run through a million rusty pipes
Robots bang on BUCKETS while a
UFO lands on my LAWN
A razor guitar noodles around and makes with a chord
WOW Bob WOW!!!!!
Someone flails at the guitar and then chokes it off
A last effluvium glides through the air

Bone Jump-

My Life in the Bush of Ghosts after the Shit Goes Down?
Los Angeles Apocalypse-Bunker Music
The last DJ with the last creaky 8-bit and Keyboard
a bouncy-echo guitar comes in as
Dario Argento kerboards
Cover my exit

Dust Shuffle-

Pixelated snare and
Strangled Piano
Like being chased by coat hangers over
Hard-wood floors


Bedrock Guitar slabs
Radio static morphing into E string drone
The guitar speaks in tongues
a new language with no consonants and
Infinite Vowel Glossolalia
The Strangled Piano sneaks back into the room

Slow Ice Old Moon-

Sounds like the Yi Jing
Like a Paper-Fire
An Organ-Snowstorm
An Ash-Blizzard
Drowning in the Milk Sea

Lesser Heaven-

Need not Be; Does Not Matter
Love is the Law
Bells wrung into infinite HARMONY
Ma Gu Xian Shu
Ma Gu Xian Shu
Ma Gu Xian Shu

Calcium Needles-

Broken Bones
Pinned in Place
Bruce Lee in the Iron Lung

Emerald and Stone-

Mineral piano trickles down to the ocean
Weary deposits

Written, forgotten-

The drummer strokes his cymbal stand
The old guitar player coaxes a few more weary notes from the strings
His fingers flash a mudra

Late Anthropocene-

seashell scales from octave to octave
the waves break soft on the
edge of the milk sea
once more
infinite SUSTAIN

A great journey, beginning-middle-end
well done thou good and faithful servant

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mystery Saint Vs. U2 Part 1 (The last shall be first) "From Zoo TV to Zooropa"

Zooropa's glorious promise of the new Man, in sever shades, as confident and cunning in Science as Poetry, Better by Design. U2 have been there and they know.

U2 is fresh off it's triumph of having resurrected Berlin, tossing off their rough treatment at the hands of America and the bitch called the Blues, that Angel of Harlem. The Rattle and Hum has given way to a Computer Screen Glow. The inheritance of Europe's Doom.

There were Nazi prophecies in the Bible and Nostradamus and Helene Blavatsky.

Side One begins with ...

Zooropa- ambient opening with piano chords, The Edge comes in with a guitar sound that bounces and skips like a digital stone across a neon pond

Horoscope to Spectrescope

Drug Addicts and Poets- Business Men and Button Pushers

Zooropa- All Strife's Quelled! Entertainment, Shopping, Food!

Zooropa- Don't Fight, Just Shop!

Zooropa- But Hitler's Personal Clairvoyant was an Eastern European Jew!

Zooropa- America, Just Stay OUT of It!

Zooropa- Now Hitler travels in UFO's through the center of the Hollow Earth. He was known to have many doubles.

Zooropa- Coming back from the far side of the moon

Zooropa- Television and Flying Saucers. We sent a Rocket into Space!

Zooropa- End of the World Gospel (Further elaborated in Closing Theme; Johnny's Cash's "The Wanderer"

Zooropa- It's that time of Day (When people don't go Outside anymore...)

Babyface- Neon brush and bass-pedal soft-core

Numb- Touring Musician retreats into Valium and Computer Game inspired Coma and then tries to mumble his way out of a Paper Bag

Bono does Drag Queen Falsetto

Bono does Drag Queen Falsetto


Bono does Drag Queen Falsetto

Lemon (Continued)
In the future most people have tried a Lemon once or twice, the citric acid burn on the tongue a fond memory. Flora and fauna have been driven from Mother Earth and the Human Race drags it's knuckles and curses.


Just the bang and the clatter as an angel hits the ground

Mystery Saint Vs. U2 Part 3 "From Zoo TV to Zooropa"

Part 3 of the Happy Uniform Mystery Saint prickly heat telethon of Love, being principally the rest of side 2

Some days

you're quick

(or SPEEDY? "It's for my allergies!")

there's definitely something rackety and speedy about this song too

in the bed of the ARMY
in the bed of the ENEMY
ditto Jesus and His Mother
trying to make sense of what she said

The next song is The First Time, it's the usual U2 chord progression (Running to Stand Still, do I got to name more?) but I like this song's droning texture

and I feel myself going down

Bono does Drag Queen Falsetto and tells us his Father is a Rich Man

then why do you sing like a Hustler, why did you give up the Dream-Mansion?

Bono does Drag Queen Falsetto over the only two piano chords The Edge seems to know ("That's a guy's name")

Another song with the word Day in the title, this one's been "Dirty" so far

where ya aim ya just might hit, so not so tight

Bono does Drag Queen Falsetto about how "that's not how it used to be"

and the Edge makes a Heavenly Racket with his Rowdy-Guitar-Army

Father to Son, the Blood goes on, you can't raise a Cain

(I sometimes hit the skip button on this one)

And lastly Johnny Cash's Apocalyptic "The Wanderer" with it's eerie Synthesizer foam and Violin saw shriek

Yeah I went with nothing

Johnny Cash dining on molecular gastronomy at a Venusian Space Station where they
want the Kingdom but they don't want God in it

I went with nothing but the thought you'd be there too

This has been U2's Esoteric Masterpiece "Zooropa" Lovingly Explained

(the Word of God lay heavy on my heart)

Bono does Drag Queen Falsetto

brought to you by
The Mystery Saint's Sugar-Bowl-of-Infinite-Forgiveness

(strange car alarm beeping and that's all she wrote... power down...)

Mystery Saint Vs. U2 (Part 2) "From Zoo TV to Zooropa"

I saw U2 on their Zoo TV Tour in Philadelphia at the Vet

whatever that means

just the bang and the clatter as an angel hits the ground

(hey, that works!)
here we come to side two and part two of this installment of The Mystery Saint Prickly Heat Telethon and Happy Hour of Love

Daddy's gonna pay for your crashed car

David Bowie has a song I like called "Always crashing in the same car" Say didn't Brian Eno both produce that song by David Bowie and play on this song by U2. Brian Eno has some wierd Synchronicity with Cars.

Industrial Waste-Industrial Taste

Very Prescient now in our era of Heiresses

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr are you staying at the HILTON

rrrrrrrrrrrrr are you staying at the Hyatt?

fffffffffffff F- you like a billionaire! {Peaches}

Don't ask for whom the ominous trunpets sound, nor for whom the treated snare drum pounds, or those backwards rolls

you're a prescious stone, you're preciously stoned, Oxy, Ane and the Sticky Ick

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 4 of Seven days of Zen Mystery-Saint versus the Alien-Cat

This is an alien cat. Who does he think he is fooling with that terrible hair piece? Aliens are constantly over-estimating their ability to blend in...

Monday Morning Zen!!!!!

This weekend was a protervia (holding nothing back for the morrow) and now it is time to get behind the mule and plow

The truly wise person
kneels at the feet of all creatures (including alien-cats)
and is not afraid to endure the mockery of others

So this is day 4 of the 7 days of zen
let it be known no thing is hard, you can break your teeth on no thing
7 being the number of Cosmic Uncertainty
Chaos precedes Cosmos precedes Chaos precedes Cosmos precedes Chaos precedes Cosmos precedes Chaos precedes Cosmos
The Great Spirit thrills with indetermination and longs to dance with you and weave gossamer structures of undifferentiated energy (8)

Then dance with you and tear those structures down! Bind and Loosen!

The serpent lowered his gaze and breathed his Sheen {considered as evil from this Garden of Eden; is (in truth) the guardian of the spontaneous creation of life because it expresses the destruction of badly constructed or lapsed or exhausted organisations (Carlo Suares)}
(Om Namah Shivayah!) and Eve fell in love with Hearing, Seeing, Smelling, Tasting, Breaaaaaaathing.

Cafe Mystery-Saint
A clean well lit place on the edge of the Void
Are we being divided and conquered?

A surrender, verging on the Mystical, of man (self) to the Universe (Self)

Hang on St. Christopher, Creation is ongoing
the sin behind all sin must be dualism
subject/object relationship

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tiger Milk-Grandma Teeth Zen Day One

the Inner Way

What YHSHW called the Kingdom of Heaven
It's within you
It's within the split rock
It's the cleaving to No Thing

It's in between thoughts and outside time

Everything with an Inside
Everything with an Outside

Self meet Universe
Universe meet Self
Now stop stepping on your Shadow

Gather up your sister, brother
Make the two in you one

I am only an I to My Self
Every other I is a You to Me

Off to meditate...

fierce as a tiger kind as a grandmother

Some klimt there for you...
just finished my last band practice for a while so it is time for a magick retirement until next Friday, next Friday's dusk with candle

I am going to try and post it every day and the main focus for this period is going to be Zen

the main thing I am going to do is no thing

make silly hats in my mind and bet on imaginary horse races and spend all my winnings on hats for all my friends

the soundtrack is going to be tangerine dream especially Zeit and Phaedra and oh, yes
there will be entheogens

Investigation of awareness-expanding thoughts such as this

Let me remind you
That the percieved
Cannot percieve
Huang Po

and this

Why are you unhappy?
Because 99.9 percent of everything you think and of everything you do
Is for yourself-
And there isn't one
Wei wu Wei

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mystery-Saint vs. The Knife

"I had a dream all my teeth fell out. A cracked smile and a Silent Shout."
The Knife. Best band around right now? (To these ears) Undoubtedly! And I am not even that big a fan of techno or electronica or what have you. But wait. Before I even start dear reader, have you noticed the the bird masks Brother Olaf and Sister Karen of the Knife wear? I didn't even know they wore bird masks until I looked for a photo for this post.
- (Flashback Synchonicity Alert!) About six months ago I am in a Virgin Records Megastore down the street from me and I notice a cd with the most amazing cover; a strange almost cartoonish black and white drawing of a girl with long hair wearing cool sunglasses and projecting some kind of magick energy sphere between her hands. The cover says "Fever Ray" and a sticker on the album says this is the solo album by Karen from The Knife. I have never heard of this Knife but I love this chick and her occult accoutrements on this cover. Sadly I balk at spending money for a cd I know nothing about and move on, I think I end up buying a Lee "Scratch" Perry album which is a whole other post but a seed has been sown and in time the Reaping of the Knife will come. A few months later I am at the Library picking up some more occult books and I browse through the cd selection and notice an album called Silent Shout by a band called The Knife. Rusty gears click and whir in this old head and a connection is made. I grab the cd and jet to the counter; stay out of my way Mousey Librarians! Don't even tell me I have a fine on my card and I can't check this cd out, God wants me to hear this album! I get home and imbibe my favorite sacrament and slip on those headphones. The Knife's Silent Shout begins with a cold but bouncy bass drum slash bass note pounding sinuously. The vocals start and what the f- is this? The vocals have been prismatically splayed into various pitches, it's like the Icy Chorus of the God's of the North blowing witchy wind all over the techno throb of the music. The ray of light of melody sent through the crystal of voice processing and voila! A vocal Rainbow! As the cd goes on I realize there is a definite minimal agenda at work here. The songs seem pared down to the absolute minimum. Now I am a songwriter and to be honest I am not really impressed with techno knob-twiddling in general or how great stuff sounds. I am a lo fi dude. This band knows how to work it though. They seem to focus on just writing really good songs and letting the bleeps and bloops serve the song. So, besides making petitions to Odin One eyed God of the Ravens or whoever they pray to how do bro and sis Karen and Olaf come up with such good stuff. I have a sister and you know bros and sis's can kill each other but also there is something deep there. Some intuitive thing. Maybe also just the fact that because they are siblings they can push each other and push each other's buttons. (Name Synchronicity Alert! Karen seems to be a popular name for girl singers isn't it? Karen Carpenter. Karen O from the Yeah, Yeah, Yeah's. To be honest though, you get yourself some Kate Bush especially the album the Dreaming and you will really never need to listen to Karen O from the Yeah, Yeah, Yeah's again. More like the Blah, Blah, Blah's!) Where was I? So something child-like and dark and very emotionally powerful. Isn't that amazing? With all the techno processing of the vocals and the music these are very emotionally virile songs.
"You try to feel it but you can't wake up- you try to touch it but you can't wake up... I do it backwards but I don't wake up..." (that's some spooky shit!)
So far I have bought the albums Silent Shout, Deep Cuts and Karen's solo album Fever Ray.
Silent Shout is definitely the masterpiece. Dark, monolithic, cthonic (and H.P. Lovecraft always uses that word and I am sure he would have loved this album) Beautiful and sharp, no fat at all..
Deep Cuts is more brightly colored and bouncy. It seems to have more of an idea of creating an androgynous sound which I think is brilliant. There is a definite dance around the room feel to this album. Very melodic and catchy. Sort of like a techno version of what Lou Reed was doing with the Velvets on songs like Candy Says ( I loooove the Velvet Underground!)
Fever Ray is strange. It's much more low energy and feminine. As if the strong bright male (Chockmah) elements of light have not yet been brought forth by YHWH, like the darkness has not yet been split into the shining edges of light that we hear in the Knife albums. This album is like the Ama aspect of Binah: in it's essence it is the force of travail in all types and levels of bringing to birth... the waters of form... a dark womb...
I am lost in the sauce now, The Knife is not an easy band to write about, but they are an easy band to love... Check them out fools! Forget whatever second-hand crap MTV is trying to sell you or whatever those overrated and wimpy Animal Collective type bands are up to. This is where songwriting is right now... I thought you knew!
- The Mystery-Saint

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Mystery-Saint Vs. The Book of Daniel... part 1

So I have embarked on a mission of reading The Bible with an eye to the esoteric or occult gems hidden in there and believe me it's got it! The Bible I use is The Jerusalem Bible (check it out, one of the contributor's to the translation was J.R.Tolkien). I don't know how all these Xtians are so against Magick when it is all over their book! So I started with Daniel. This book is like a summer blockbuster movie y'all. It has magick, intrigue, lion's den's, angels in firey furnaces and dragons (?) Even a prophet getting picked up by the hair (OUCH!) by an angel and transported that way to Babylon to deliver Daniel a message. But that's getting ahead of the story.
Daniel's main thing is he will not give in and worship stone idols or the King, he won't sell out YHWH. However, Daniel somehow has the best nose for sniffing out the meaning of dreams in the area and this is going to save him.
So old Nebuchadenezz' wants to pick the best of these Israelite males to be like his own private think-tank:
"a certain number of boys of either royal or noble descent; they had to be without any physical defect... trained in every kind of wisdom..."
Now what is "every kind of wisdom"? For all the studying into the History of Religion and The Occult I have done I immediately think we are talking about Qabalah here. I think you could make a pretty good case that the Israelites were into the Qabalah at least since the time of Moses. Moses who was trained in all the magick of the Egyptians... So let's start with at least the impression that Daniel was performing magick and divination of some sort, probably a early form of Qabalah.
So these special boys of King Neb's are to eat and drink the food and wine left from the King's own table. Sounds good! But not to Daniel. YHWH has given some pretty strict dietary guidelines and Daniel is not about to break his diet. Daniel comes up with a brilliant plan, he is almost like the first personal trainer... "Please allow your servants a ten day's trial, during which we are given only vegetables and water to drink. You can then compare our looks with the boys who eat the King's food..."
Daniel is throwing it down. You wonder if any of the other Israelite boys were "foodie's" and if they felt like maybe Daniel had been a little hasty with all this water and vegetables craziness! So these four Israelite boys get their six packs a little tighter than the other gluttons and when The King asks to see their ab's Daniel says: "Here's the situation King!" Gradually these four become prominent members of The King's Court.

So now we get to the action. King Neb has a crazy dream and gets all his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and Chaldeans (?) together to interpret this dream. But King Neb is tricky. He tells these Scryer's they must first tell him what his dream was and then interpret it. Obviously these dudes are a little taken back by this challenge, they thought they were going to be hearing a story and then doing some vague semantic dances with occult symbolism. Instead they don't get to hear what the original dream was; and like Charles Mingus said; "you can't improvise off nothing!" The King takes it to another level and really gets the Diviners shaking when he says; "... if you cannot tell me what I dreamt and what it means I will have you torn limb from limb and your houses razed to the ground (and your family forced to go on the Daniel Diet of vegetables and water)"
So the Sorcerers mumble a faint: "Let the King tell his dreams to his servants and we will reveal it's meaning."
This standoff repeats itself a few times until the Sorcerers say that what the King asks is impossible and well, that's it dudes. This backfires on all the sages in the land as the King now wants them all killed. Daniel finds out about this though through a connection and takes the initiative and goes home and has himself a night vision of the resolution to the King's dream.
Daniel then goes before the King and interprets his dream which has to do with a statue made of different metals which represents different ages of man, The Gold Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and Iron and Earthen-ware Ages. I am just going to say this; it seems that if you are interpreting a dream for a King you really can't go wrong in assigning all the meaning to the King and his reign, I mean, King's are self-centered anyway, so this is just going to fit right in, basically you play on their vanity. And of course as the symbol of King Neb's reign is the Golden Head of the Statue it is inferred that after his reign it's all downhill...
So King Neb has a new top Magician... find out what happens in the next exciting Post!

Things behind the sun

Check out this link to a video of footage (allegedly) filmed by one of NASA's satellites which shows huge spherical objects that look loike small metal planets orbiting behind the and around the sun! Pretty freaky! Is this photo shop or is this real? It makes me think of the Nick Drake song; Things Behind the Sun! What did Nick know that we don't?


Monday, January 18, 2010

Mystery-Saint vs. The Sandman

Mystery-Saint vs. The Sandman
Whoa. Somehow I escaped all the Sandman action when it was current. I came late to the Graphic Novel game. The first one that really nailed me to the wall was Alan Moore's tasteful Melodrama "From Hell".
Well over the last few months I have gotten hooked on The Sandman. From the first time in the comic book we see our Hero who has been invoked and trapped inside a magickal crystal by an Aleister Crowley style diabolist; I am hooked. The Sandman (or Morpheus; The Dream King) is like the ultimate thin drawn lost rock and roller, burning his candle at both ends to keep the world of Dream, which we mortals just take for granted, rocking around the clock. He's like the guy Robert Smith stole his look from; but the guy who actually knew how to work the symbols and scry in the glass, as opposed to just putting on his eye make-up on in the glass.
I read the different volumes out of order, based on what was available.
Along the Sandman journey I saw scenes of Horror and Romance, Tragedy and Comedy. I met other characters; Matthew the talking Raven, Thesallie the Witch, Dream's other siblings (Destiny, Destruction, Desire, Delirium, Despair and Death, who is the cute Punk Rock Girl of Your Dreams). There are many plots and subplots and much reference to occult mythology and fairy tales and practices of the cunning folk and even a little bit of Quantum Theory spookiness in the form of a little Science dropped by young Delirium on Dream about the nature of the Observer and how he alters the Observed in this mutable universe.
The art is beautiful throughout but I most liked the minimalist Murakami-esque super flat style of Volume 9: The Kindly Ones. The Bonus Volume Endless Nights has jaw dropping art as well.
Neil Gaiman's writing is clear and effective, even poetic at times. He has a natural musicality and better humour than most comic book writers. He doesn't dive as deeply into esoterica as Alan Moore but still seems to to know his way around around a grimoire or two. Reading this comic book coincided with my discovery of the band The Knife and I can't think of a better soundtrack album to this than "Silent Shout".
You won't be wasting time getting to know The Dream King, The Sandman, Lord Shaper, the one for whom everything is mutable except the rigid parameters of the Self, this is his journey to becoming unstuck, or what the Buddhists would call reaching Enlightenment and it may juyt the thing to get your consciousness unstuck as well.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Beginnings along the Sidereal Path of the Fool and Other Important B's

-It's funny, I'd forgotten how much more confident a mask can make you feel

As far as my beginnings on that somnambulating WAY of the FOOL, the well vetted SAGE Jesus/Yeshua was known to have said "The WIND blows wither it WILL, even so are all they that are reBORN of the SPIRIT." So the fool walks over the cliff, heedless of the danger...
Now Jesus/Yeshua according to the most recent data could have been a magic mushroom, a myth or an amalgamation of a few different DUSTY FEET WASHING holy dudes. In my mind he is the coolest SHAMAN who ever anointed anyone with HOLY OIL. And he's a CONSCIOUSNESS, Christ consciousness is brought forth from WITHIN. And Christ actually means the Anointed. So what we call being HIGH the ANCIENTS called being ANOINTED or POSSESSION by the SPIRIT of the LORD. Speaking in Tongues anyone? Many users of Psilocybin and other entheogens report Glossolalia and other symptoms resembling the Pentecost; when the Apostles began speaking in tongues holy nonsense which awed every man and woman to hear and understand the words in their own language. Which makes me think of the origins of poetry and chanting and rap and MF DOOM's line, something like; "it's not written in a book, the only way you find it is from spitting in the hook." Which makes me think of a level of poetry you only get in tune with by letting the Glossolalia spill out in an ANOINTED state.
(my kitten just said: "Aw go put that in your BLOG!") ... I'd have to lay some of the blame for my OUTLAW SPIRIT at the FEET'S of the BEATS. Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg (whom I met once at age twenty at a poetry reading, and got given the once over twice by the guy who looked like a little cardigan rabbi but read poetry like it was ROCK and ROLL!)
And now of late I'm soaking up Yeats:
"Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold

That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle
And what rough beast, it's hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

Some blame also goes to The Beatles and The Beach Boys. What? I guess my parents didn't care for the Rolling Stones. Too blatantly carnal for Jesus Freaks? So from a kid with his Mom's records and hell, I probably liked the outfits Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club band wore more than anything musical I could actually dig at that age, then on to the Beats in Freshman Year at College.

Once you got a little hit of that OUTLAW TRUTH, that wild intoxicated poetic TRUTH that laughs with scorn at the little truths of science and materialism... it's all over after that folks, you need that TRUTH regular, you have to find a STEADY SUPPLY.

William "the Priest" Burroughs (mumbles): " az hunger like a BLACK YEN in the BONES."
Best thing about Ol Hombre Invisible is that if you read his last book written in his last year here on Humpty Dumpty Earth the OLD MAN has learned COMPASSION from taking care of his cats. He has learned to recognize consciousness in all that lives and moves and has a being as being sacred. Of the same SOURCE. Same guy who turned once to his wife and chittering with Benzedrine mumbled something like: "Isn't it about time we did our William Tell Act?"
As if in slow motion Joan places an apple on her head and grins sly and complicit like a BENZEDRINE EVE and William, though a gun enthusiast and practiced shot, misses the target (or not depending on what the apple was and what his wife was to him and which was the target at that SHADOWY moment). So Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold...

So now I take power from poetry and music and art and it's no harder to be nice than it is to be creepy and it's more FUN


To resist uncertainty is to assert one's fear of it... HEAVEN above and EARTH below and MAN where Meets the TWAIN.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Into the Mystic

The Knower of Truth should go about the world outwardly stupid like a child, a madman or a devil... I could add Poet and Musician to that list... mysticism has no rules or results oriented courses of action, live consciuously in the midst of great uncertainty, make your peace with ambiguity, meet the ever coming chaos with a tranquil embrace... as AOS says: "Be ye Mystic."

There's a lot that the Mystery-Saint will be dealing with in this blog; Philosophy (Occult), Religion (Religion-bashing), Music, Movies (Movie-bashing), Our Materialist Culture (Materialist-bashing)... wait, let's forget all that bashing, I have got to get out of that duality, get into the non-duality... this world doesn't need to be judged, it needs to be loved...

mystery saint

mystery saint