This is an alien cat. Who does he think he is fooling with that terrible hair piece? Aliens are constantly over-estimating their ability to blend in...
Monday Morning Zen!!!!!
This weekend was a protervia (holding nothing back for the morrow) and now it is time to get behind the mule and plow
The truly wise person
kneels at the feet of all creatures (including alien-cats)
and is not afraid to endure the mockery of others
So this is day 4 of the 7 days of zen
let it be known no thing is hard, you can break your teeth on no thing
7 being the number of Cosmic Uncertainty
Chaos precedes Cosmos precedes Chaos precedes Cosmos precedes Chaos precedes Cosmos precedes Chaos precedes Cosmos
The Great Spirit thrills with indetermination and longs to dance with you and weave gossamer structures of undifferentiated energy (8)
Then dance with you and tear those structures down! Bind and Loosen!
The serpent lowered his gaze and breathed his Sheen {considered as evil from this Garden of Eden; is (in truth) the guardian of the spontaneous creation of life because it expresses the destruction of badly constructed or lapsed or exhausted organisations (Carlo Suares)}
(Om Namah Shivayah!) and Eve fell in love with Hearing, Seeing, Smelling, Tasting, Breaaaaaaathing.
Cafe Mystery-Saint
A clean well lit place on the edge of the Void
Are we being divided and conquered?
A surrender, verging on the Mystical, of man (self) to the Universe (Self)
Hang on St. Christopher, Creation is ongoing
the sin behind all sin must be dualism
subject/object relationship