Welcome to the Dark New Age

Thursday, November 4, 2010

the mystery saint and eno in a small craft on a milk sea

Eno the Stranger in a Strange Land-
in a small craft on a milk sea
to bring us new sound paintings to grok in exchange for water. Will you share water? May you never thirst!

Eno's packaging is tasteful as always: moody-sea-scape exterior
hologrammatic-rainbow-strip interior

I scan the composition titles and notice the Taoist "Complex Heaven" and "Lesser Heaven" We here on Earth live in the square world of the Lesser Heaven, we're just a bit off, removed from the circular paradise of Heaven...

Some of the other song titles are sciency, what a nerd Brian Eno is...
"Late Anthropocene"? I want to ROCK, not do HOMEWORK

Eno; The-Long-Mover, The-Windy-Man

The Man from Mars who Moves things with his Mind!

I look at the packaging again

Outside is the Abysmal/Water
Inside is the Clinging/Fire

Each snowflake's individuality shows WATER to be ALIVE and
imprintable by CONSCIOUSNESS

The Clinging/Fire burns inside the cells of water
Burning towards INDIVIDUALITY

spirit consuming matter consuming spirit

passing it back and forth

the hologrammatic universe fornicates at the cellular level constantly
else nothing would be at all

Now for the music

Emeralds and Lime-

Eno the Wise Laughing Boy
I'd like to think he grows each composition like a flower
He's an Audio-Horticulturalist
allowing the cosmos and the chaos and the movements of Heaven
to create his designs and not his clever mind
This track eases in slowly: soothing piano chords, gentle rythmic waves
a dry martini

Complex Heaven-

The Rustic scrape of strings on bone
Grey scratchy guitars and synthesizer-foam

Small Craft on a Milk Sea-

The melody rides precariously on an ominous low undertone
Ask not for whom the TIDE comes

Flint March-

Sharpened knives out
The WIND picks up
The FOG clears and we are in Miles-Davis-PANGEA
Goaded and driven by the rythm of fractalated ghost hands
slapping grey envelope-skins


A Black Beast with Fiery Eyes
I am the only one
can ride that Horse yonder
The ghost drums are back and they brought buzzing-hi-hat BEES in TOW
The BEES swarm over the paths of ULTRA-VIOLET light
I hear some rowdy electric guitars and I am glad
Eno invited the rowdy electric guitars back to the PARTY
Idiot Energy

2 Forms of Anger-

The drums have been run through a million rusty pipes
Robots bang on BUCKETS while a
UFO lands on my LAWN
A razor guitar noodles around and makes with a chord
WOW Bob WOW!!!!!
Someone flails at the guitar and then chokes it off
A last effluvium glides through the air

Bone Jump-

My Life in the Bush of Ghosts after the Shit Goes Down?
Los Angeles Apocalypse-Bunker Music
The last DJ with the last creaky 8-bit and Keyboard
a bouncy-echo guitar comes in as
Dario Argento kerboards
Cover my exit

Dust Shuffle-

Pixelated snare and
Strangled Piano
Like being chased by coat hangers over
Hard-wood floors


Bedrock Guitar slabs
Radio static morphing into E string drone
The guitar speaks in tongues
a new language with no consonants and
Infinite Vowel Glossolalia
The Strangled Piano sneaks back into the room

Slow Ice Old Moon-

Sounds like the Yi Jing
Like a Paper-Fire
An Organ-Snowstorm
An Ash-Blizzard
Drowning in the Milk Sea

Lesser Heaven-

Need not Be; Does Not Matter
Love is the Law
Bells wrung into infinite HARMONY
Ma Gu Xian Shu
Ma Gu Xian Shu
Ma Gu Xian Shu

Calcium Needles-

Broken Bones
Pinned in Place
Bruce Lee in the Iron Lung

Emerald and Stone-

Mineral piano trickles down to the ocean
Weary deposits

Written, forgotten-

The drummer strokes his cymbal stand
The old guitar player coaxes a few more weary notes from the strings
His fingers flash a mudra

Late Anthropocene-

seashell scales from octave to octave
the waves break soft on the
edge of the milk sea
once more
infinite SUSTAIN

A great journey, beginning-middle-end
well done thou good and faithful servant

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mystery saint

mystery saint