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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hymn to the Gnostic Godess (The Ash Tree)

(DISCLAIMER- This is a new and loose translation of Roy Bowers "The Ash Tree", if you like it thank Roy if you don't you can blame me...)
I am what you think I am
I am what you think you are
I am myself as I am and you as you are
And will be in times to come
I am the all and more of that with less
I am without form
I am without force
Yet form and force I am
I am the lover and the Beloved
I am the beast and his mate
I am the whole and the part
I am compassion healing pain
I am a diamond cutting stone hearts
I am a mirror gone dark
I am the well without water
From which all must drink
I am words of love that never speak
I am pain and tears and sorrow and grief
The rack, the noose, the gun, the stake
The hunter and the hunted
I am a head without a body
I am a body without a head
All this in part and still I am whole
I am night and sleepless fear and cold
For the dead are displayed to honor my rage
Yet I am as weak as woman when she knows my ways
And in this is the fullness of my strength
I am desire
I am love
I am the first created
I am the first of all sins
Behold I am She!
You must conquer me to release your soul
I am peace and compassion If you understand
Three times Three times Thirteen
Three still more and more
I am the dead
I am the born
The living dead, the dead that walk
The unborn and the cycle finished in turn
I am a root, a leaf, a tree
I grow upon memory as future and past
All things are mine to fashion
My end rests in eternity
I am breast of the infant suckling
I am the lover's embrace, constant and ever demanding
I am fickle and free
All have known me
But few have had me
And they are dead
Secret I be
Secret Me
The Secret I am I will forever Be
Yes an army marches at my side
For the cold and mighty wind I ride
The haunted warriors remember me
My nostrils filled with the scent of blood
Brilliant and terrible as the sunrise
Yet still I am the Rainbow Above the Flood
(reminds me of the Thunder, Perfect Mind and the Song of Taliesin, so beautiful)


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    1. Truly inspirational, not only to current readers, but one of the 20th century's most inspired & influential practitioners of the occult traditions. All would profit by contemplating this poem, so beautifully adapted here, which so rich in multivalent levels of mystery. Its apparent and hidden meaning is so rich that these words, ultimately intending such, which, if, all fathomed at once here, would lead to immediate apotheosis.

    2. Thank you Antero, I just learned a new word "apotheosis"


mystery saint

mystery saint