It being 4/20 it's a perfect day to talk about ELECTRIC WIZARD. After all, they have an album called DOPETHRONE and lyrics like "Saturnine in my mind, got to find a way to be free. Saturnine in my mind, blow another hit of weed." ELECTRIC WIZARD; the acid fried hippie chaingang of Golems breathed into life by Charles Manson in a basement and raised on a diet of Black Sabbath, greasy chips, rubber tire hash and those little white cross pills all-night truck drivers take. I don't think they care what I think and I heard their next album is going to be called LEGALIZE DRUGS AND MURDER so you know what side they are on. The Night Side.
Time to light a jazz cigarette (you know what that's about!) and drink some coffee, get the mind ready for the music, it's going to be dark and trippy. If EARTH is the Apollonian; quiet, contemplative, cerebral and in repose side of the Occult Rock equation then ELECTRIC WIZARD is the Dionysian; wild and ecstatic side, the dark score for dancing off into the forbidden places.
I will always associate ELECTRIC WIZARD'S music with the book THE RED GODDESS. I discovered them both at the same time. There's no better soundtrack to the eschaton than ELECTRIC WIZARD and no better script than THE RED GODDESS:
Time to light a jazz cigarette (you know what that's about!) and drink some coffee, get the mind ready for the music, it's going to be dark and trippy. If EARTH is the Apollonian; quiet, contemplative, cerebral and in repose side of the Occult Rock equation then ELECTRIC WIZARD is the Dionysian; wild and ecstatic side, the dark score for dancing off into the forbidden places.
I will always associate ELECTRIC WIZARD'S music with the book THE RED GODDESS. I discovered them both at the same time. There's no better soundtrack to the eschaton than ELECTRIC WIZARD and no better script than THE RED GODDESS:
ELECTRIC WIZARD caught me first with the cover of Witchcult Today. Dark and decadent but still fun. It's a dark kind of fun, like I'm being chased at knifepoint through a Dario Agento film towards a room filled filled with razor blades but it's beautiful witchy woman chasing me and I'm too stoned to feel the lacerations.
The singer's voice reaches my ears like it's a distress call coming from a submarine sunk deep in the bowels of the earth. Wrapped in a tinny echo and the rasp of resignation. The crew keeping time on this black freighter know they will never return to the sunlit lands. They've been down so long it looks up to them.
The sheer volume of the music begins to induce synaesthasia. Guitar feedback squalls whip through my fraying mind like I'm suddenly lost in the desert of the blinding winds, beset by Ghoul; Brion Gysin's deathly spirit of the desert. The low heavy heart beat of the heaving bosom of the planet pumps bass notes like a dark warmth spreading up my legs and hums up my spine. Through a broken mirror I stumble punch-drunk among pornographic hieroglyphics groping for the dancing Goddess of the seven veils as she leads me on deeper and deeper still. I too now will despair of ever finding my way back to the sunlit lands. Blasted apart at the atoms, my individuality vaporizes. Tube overdrive, entheogens and ego death. Principles and plans are forgotten. Jesus comes down off the cross and lets himself be loved. Man becomes Christ as Earth becomes Goddess. The lion lies down with the lamb, but SHE is not a tame lion. She is the word made flesh and the word is LUST.
But back to the WIZARD. There is a grime about this music. Like tarot cards after too many readings. Get these guys in some salt, quick! Anybody got a Smudge? We leave in deceptively clean times. ELECTRIC WIZARD recorded their last two albums (WITCHCULT TODAY and BLACK MASSES) at Toe Rag Studios; a place known for using only the best vintage tube recording equipment and you can hear the heavenly tones in your heaphones. Tesla tubes cooking, coating the sound with a warm ectoplasmic residue, pushing the doom and grime into the red light overload like the Analog Eighteen Wheel Diesel Powered Engine of the Wild Hunt of Winter, rattling your woofers like the second coming. So let the dark side do your heart some good. Stand at the Black Mass: Will against Will, Illusion against Illusion, Eye for Eye, Life for Life and Death for Death and Deafened Ear for Deafened Ear.
Let me close with some words from The Beast himself, who might as well have been the first and still best Dynosian Rock Star around:
All ways are lawful to innocence
Pure folly is the key to initiation
Silence breaks into rapture
Be neither man nor woman
Be both in one
Be silent
Be the babe in the egg of blue
That though may growest to bear the lance and the grail
Wander alone and sing
In the King's Palace his Daughter awaits thee
(Aliester Crowley)
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